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"Defeat anxiety"

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"How to overcome anxiety and PA"
  • Find out the origin of excessive anxiety, panic attacks, hypochondria, OCD, neuroses
  • Doctors say - You are healthy and all is OK but the symptoms continue to appear in one place, then in another? Find out how to deal with them once and for all!

  • Exhausted from you symptoms? Watch videos in this free course and understand how to get rid of symptoms and return your joyful and happy life!

BONUS after completing free cousre! Book + meditation

"Neurosis - My Story" Olga Kucherenko's book
Meditation to reduce anxiety, stress and relax the body

Are you familiar with this?

Do you constantly monitor your symptoms and are ruminating and chewing on the same obsessive thoughts in your head?

What if I will have a panic attack?
I've done all the screening and tests in all the clinics of the city, the diagnosis was “healthy”, but what if they missed the desease, as I feel badly, and tomorrow it could get even worse!
What is the diagnosis of anxiety/panic disorder? Is it dangerous for my organs?
My heart beats fast, the pressure and pulse jumps - probably this is a heart attack or a stroke, so you have to lie down and do not move. or I will die! I need to urgently write a will and say goodbye to everyone
I feel dizzy, what if I go out into the street, fall and no one will save me? What if this is a stroke?
Obsessive thoughts, fears of going crazy and being submitted into a psychiatric hospital?
Something is wrong with me, I always expect something bad, I'm afraid, I'm shaking, I'm crying, I'm in dispair...
Cramps in the abdomen, flatulence, what if I don’t make it to the toilet and will embarrass myself? This is a catastrophe!

After completing this free course, you will receive answers to many of your questions and understand how to act

Module 1

  • Video: Doctors say you are healthy! What is anxiety, neurosis and where do the symptoms come from?
  • Video: Generalized Anxiety Disorder - GAD
  • Video: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD
  • Video: Neurosis - My story

Module 2

  • Video: What is a Panic Attack?
  • Video: How to deal with anxiety, panic attacks, neurosis? Why take part in the Overcome Anxiety intensive course?

Who am I and why I can help you overcome your anxiety disorder?

If someone would have told me that the reason for my anxiety disorder was in my way of thinking, I would have laughed him in his face! It is this knowledge that can now save years to many people, who have become hostages of their cognitive distortions, and allow them to get a completely different level of quality of life, which they did not even know about

Psychotherapist, cardiologist, PhD
Olga Kucherenko

I specialize in cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety and depressive disorders. I have faced an anxiety disorder myself and for 4 years was not able to get rid of it.
Sharing my story of neurosis on Instagram
  • Certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapist
  • Member of the Ukrainian Association of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy
  • Author of a number of scientific papers on the psychotherapy of anxiety and depressive disorders

Feedback and thank you letters from the participants of my intensive courses

Answers to frequently asked questions

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* К участию в тренингах, марафонах, интенсивах, курсах допускаются люди, не имеющие психиатрических заболеваний, не состоящие на учете у психиатра и не принимающие психотропных препаратов. Результат от участия гарантируется только в том случае, если участник выполняет все задания и следует инструкциям и рекомендациям ведущего.