Intensive course "Rewire your mind and be happy"

A unique author's intensive course, which allows the participant to become his own psychotherapist and become self-relient and solve life situations easily and confidently and live a happy life

Who is this intensive course for?

Do you want to get rid of one or more of the following problems from your life?

  • You are unsure of yourself? You do not believe in your own strength?
  • You are unable to keep your boundaries?
  • You are overreacting to external events? You are nervous, angry, hysterical?
  • Constantly at odds with children and loved ones?
  • Do you constantly do what you “need” and not what you “want”?
  • Work at a job you don't like and do something you don't like?
  • Everything should be done perfectly, but in fact you “procrastinate” and don’t do it at all?
  • You only see the negatives and discount the positives?

The composition of the 4-week intensive course

Working with your mindset
  • How we create our own symptoms
  • How can we change our line of thinking, what is needed for this
Self care
  • Taking care of your mental health
  • Hygiene and ecological thinking
Beliefs from our childhood
  • Who is the Inner Critic
  • A new attitude towards critical thinking
  • "I must be comfortable for everyone"
  • Formation and protection of personal boundaries
Thoughts and intermediary beliefs
  • How the Self-Concept creates anxiety
  • What are the intermediary beliefs and how many thoughts they can produce
The spectrum of emotions and how to distinguish them
  • What are emotions and what is the difference between them
  • What emotions should be written into ABC diary
  • How to learn to identify a particular emotion in yourself
Core beliefs and understaning yourself
  • What is the self-concept
  • What cognitive defects cause powerful anxiety
  • Why do we behave in one way or another and change this behavior to adaptive
  • Behavioral coping strategies
Behavior that reinforces anxiety disorder
  • What to do to reinforce an anxiety disorder
  • Myths and reality
  • What mechanisms you need to develop to replace non-adaptive behaviour
Perfectionism and procrastination
  • What are these dependencies: "all or nothing"
  • Black and white thinking
  • Healthy and pathological perfectionism and how to deal with it
  • What is the difference between laziness and procrastination
  • How to start doing and moving forward
After the opening of each video lecture, there is a 1.5-hour live Zoom session, where you can ask questions which are troubling you

After each lesson, there is a homework assignment to consolidate the knowledge of the received material

What you will NOT find in other courses and trainings?

Unique opportunity

The price of intensive course is equall to 2-3 sessions with psychotherapist, by taking part in the intensive course you will get access to theTelegram support group, where dailyOlga Kucherenkoprovides support to each of the participants of the intensive course, gives recommendations and answers the questions inwritten, audio or video format!

And you are also getting a big portion of humor, support, live interaction and extreme motivation to act and overcome your anxiety and fears

Who am I and why I can help you overcome your anxiety disorder?

If someone would have told me that the reason for my anxiety disorder was in my way of thinking, I would have laughed him in his face! It is this knowledge that can now save years to many people, who have become hostages of their cognitive distortions, and allow them to get a completely different level of quality of life, which they did not even know about

Psychotherapist, cardiologist, PhD
Olga Kucherenko

I specialize in cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety and depressive disorders. I have faced an anxiety disorder myself and for 4 years was not able to get rid of it.
Sharing my story of neurosis on Instagram
  • Certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapist
  • Member of the Ukrainian Association of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy
  • Author of a number of scientific papers on the psychotherapy of anxiety and depressive disorders

At the intensive course you will learn

  • Believe in yourself and your strengths
  • You will draw up your motivational plan and begin to implement it immediately
  • Lear to keep your boundaries and how to say NO
  • React to situations with less negative emotions
  • You can resolve conflict situations and get out of them without negative consequences to yourself
  • Practical techniques of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy
  • Build happy relationship with family and children
  • Improve relationships in the team
  • Do not burn out at work or find a new job that you like
  • Do what you want, not what you have to
  • You will Learn how to find time for yourself and enjoy it
  • How to let go of your hyper control - Perfectionism: Better to do a little worse now than never but perfect
  • Learn the skill of communication and how to voice what you wish and want
  • Concentrate and notice the positive instead of focusing on the negative

Стоимость участия в интенсиве

28 февраля 2021 г.

Старт месячного интенсива (6-ый поток)

До начала интенсива осталось:



  • Доступ к видео-урокам
  • Проверка домашнего задания
  • 4 полутора-часовых практических занятий лично с Ольгой Кучеренко, с возможностью задать свой вопрос
  • Участие в закрытом Telegram канале лично с Ольгой Кучеренко и психологами команды Ольги Кучеренко


  • Доступ к видео-урокам
  • Проверка домашнего задания
  • 4 полутора-часовых практических занятий лично с Ольгой Кучеренко, с возможностью задать свой вопрос
  • Участие в закрытом Telegram канале лично с Ольгой Кучеренко и психологами команды Ольги Кучеренко
  • 4 полутора-часовых занятия в мини группах с психологом команды Ольги Кучеренко для качественной проработки проблем участников
VIP - всего лишь 3 места


  • Доступ к видео-урокам
  • Проверка домашнего задания
  • 4 полутора-часовых практических занятий лично с Ольгой Кучеренко, с возможностью задать свой вопрос
  • Участие в закрытом Telegram канале лично с Ольгой Кучеренко и психологами команды Ольги Кучеренко
  • 4 полутора-часовых практических занятий лично с Ольгой Кучеренко, с возможностью задать свой вопрос
  • 1 часовой сеанс личной терапии в скайп формате с Ольгой Кучеренко

The price of participation in the intensive course

1 June 2022

Start of the 4 week intensive course

Time remaining till the course begins:



  • Access to video lectures
  • Checking of homework with feedback
  • 4 practical Zoom conferences for 1h 30m each with Olga Kucherenko where you can ask your nagging question
  • Participation in private Telegram group with Olga Kucherenko and her team of psychologists
  • Bonus: 4 video lectures 1h each by Olga Kucherenko on the topic of the intensive (PA, OCD, GAD, heightened anxiety)


  • Access to video lectures
  • Checking of homework with feedback
  • 4 practical Zoom conferences for 1h 30m each with Olga Kucherenko where you can ask your nagging question
  • Participation in private Telegram group with Olga Kucherenko and her team of psychologists
  • Bonus: 4 video lectures 1h each by Olga Kucherenko on the topic of the intensive (PA, OCD, GAD, heightened anxiety)
  • 4 additional mini group Zoom conferences for 1h 30m each with Olga Kucherenko to provide in-depth advice to each of the participant's problem
VIP - only 5 places


  • Access to video lectures
  • Checking of homework with feedback
  • 4 practical Zoom conferences for 1h 30m each with Olga Kucherenko where you can ask your nagging question
  • Participation in private Telegram group with Olga Kucherenko and her team of psychologists
  • Bonus: 4 video lectures 1h each by Olga Kucherenko on the topic of the intensive (PA, OCD, GAD, heightened anxiety)
  • 4 additional mini group Zoom conferences for 1h 30m each with Olga Kucherenko to provide in-depth advice to each of the participant's problem
  • 1 hour individual consultaion by Skype/Zoom with Olga Kucherenko

Отзывы и благодарности

    Ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы

    Как оплатить участие в интенсиве?

    После того, как вы выберете оптимальный вариант участия и нажмете на кнопку подачи заявки, вы попадете в нашу платежную систему, где вы сможете оплатить участие с помощью банковской карты Visa/Mastercard.

    Как оплатить, если я из России?
    Вы сможете оплатить участие с помощью банковской карты Visa/Mastercard, и прямым переводом в рублях на карту Сбербанка. По всем вопросам пишите на имейл: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. и мы обязательно вам поможем.
    Как оплатить, если я из Украины?
    Вы сможете оплатить участие с помощью банковской карты Visa/Mastercard, и прямым переводом в гривнах на карту Приватбанка. По всем вопросам пишите на имейл: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. и мы обязательно вам поможем.
    По каким дням недели и в какое время будут проходить вебинары?

    Каждый понедельник вам будет открываться доступ к новому видео уроку. Каждый четверг в 19:00 будет проходить практическое занятие в режиме онлайн (для всех участников), что бы у вас была возможность посмотреть видео урок до этого времени и задать интересующий вас вопрос на практическом занятии.

    Что будет, если у меня возникнут технические трудности во время просмотра вебинаров?
    Вы сможете обратиться к нашему техническому специалисту написав по имейлу This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., который постарается в оперативном порядке помочь вам устранить возникшие трудности.
    Если я не смогу попасть на вебинар в прямом эфире, смогу ли я получить запись?
    Да, вам будут доступны аудио и видео записи всех вебинаров.
    Как долго будет идти интенсив?
    Продолжительность открытия видео лекций и участие в телеграм группе – для стандарта 2 месяца, для улучшенного и вип 3 месяца.

    * К участию в тренингах, марафонах, интенсивах, курсах допускаются люди, не имеющие психиатрических заболеваний, не состоящие на учете у психиатра и не принимающие психотропных препаратов. Результат от участия гарантируется только в том случае, если участник выполняет все задания и следует инструкциям и рекомендациям ведущего.